วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Diary Week 6

On Monday I went to ABAC in the morning . After that I went to The Mall Ramkamhaeng to watch a movie . It was a "sai rub gaak kang baan" . It was a detective comedy , and it made every people to be happy . I ate fast food at The Mall Ramkamhaeng . After that I came back to ABAC to learn in the afternoon . In the evening I have a group presentation in the professional law subject . I watched a volleyball woman after finished this class . It was between Law and Communication Arts . I came back home at night .
On Tuesday After I finished in English class . I went to Siam Square to shopping and play bowling . I think that today was a free day because I have one subject to learn . It was an English I class . I walked around Siam square and center point to see a scene with my friend . I played bowling with my friend . We paid less than othe times for 5% , because we wore a university suit . It was a rule of bowling . If student wore a uniform to play bowling , It was decrease price for 5% . I have a 19 days before final , so I came back home to read a book quickly . I wanted pass in English I subject to English II subject with jasper again and every law subject I wanted to pass it too .
On Wednesday I have learn all the day , so I didn't go to anywhere . First I went to ABAC to learn in Economics subject . After that I ate fast food and went to learn in Law of Obligation . It used a time to learn for 6 hours . It finished in the evening . I watched a men volleyball after finished class . It was between Law and BBA and Law won tin this game .
On Thursday I went to ABAC in the morning . After that I read a book at library , because it has a time for 14 days before final exam . I think that I will read a book more than other days in 14 days . It has a detail to read a book very much . I watched a music in front of C building in the afternoon . It has a represented from all faculty to played music . It played for 7 songs from every faculty . after that I came back home in the evening to read a book . I think that I didn't want a much homework in last 14 days before final exam . Because It used much time to read in law subject . It wasn't easy to read . I think it was very difficult in law subject in this term .
On Friday I went to ABAC to learn in Economics subject . Teacher taught in last chapter , and I think that this subject was hard in mathematics . I went to M building to make a plan about subject in term 2 . I make a plan to preregistration for 20 credits . It has a English II with Jasper and five law subject . I came back home in the evening . I ate dinner with my family at Yao-warad road . It was a chinese restaurant .
On Saturday I waked up to type a journal and watched a wrestling to make me funny . I played guitar and listened music at my home . I practiced a guitar for hour and half . After that I read The Firm book and Law subject . I played football with my old friend to relax after read a book at my high school . It was a Saint Gabriel's College . It made my memory to think when I learnt at tihs school . At night I was football match between England and Israel .

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

My diary - week 5

On Monday I went to Abac in the morning . After that I went to play game with my friend . Today my friend was represented of faculty to play a football in AU game . I wanted to cheer them in the evening . After I finished class in the afternoon , I went to watch a football match in front of C building . It was between Law and BBA . The result was BBA won 7-6 , but I think it was a great football match in the university . The two players of two faculties played well .
On Tuesday After I finished English I class , I went to Siam square to buy a new wallet with my friend . After that we went to play bowling together. After that I went to Yao-warad to look a music instrument . It was called “ Werng-Nakornkasem ” , and it has a famous about music instrument . I looked all guitar , but I didn’t buy it . I think that after I finished this term , I will buy another one before AU music contest .
On Wednesday I went to learn Economics and Law of Obligation in the afternoon , after that I went to rent a movie , before I came back home . It was a Thai comedy movie and name was “Transformer” . I liked this movie very much , because I think it has a good effect and beautiful robot .
On Thursday Today in English class Jasper wanted student to presentation about sport . Muktida and I chose about Thai boxing , and we pleased about our presentation . After that my friend and I went to practice music near Ramkhamhaeng university . I felt happy , because we didn’t play often same as last month . After that I forgot my watch at men toilet side M building . I try to find it , but it wasn’t found . I told to security , and they told someone kept my watch and sent it to student affairs . I proud that my watch didn’t lose , and I think that the person who kept my watch was a good person because he didn’t keep it to himself . My watch has a price about more than five thousand baht . If it was lost , I will feel depress because It was expensive for me . After that I went to learn in the afternoon . Today my faculty has a football match , but it has a rain fall . The match was postponed for 1 hours , so I crazed to wait it . I came back home at night .
On Friday I went to Abac at noon . I learnt in Economics subject . Student usually didn’t have a subject in this day , so it was boring in this day . I came back home early , because it has a rainfall at ABAC and this day was find Taxi meter harder than other days .
On Saturday I went to Central Pinklao to watch a movie was “The condemned” . It has a my favorite people to show in this movie . He was a Stone Cold . It was an action movie and good movies . After that I went to repair my mobile phone , because it has a problem about battery . After that I came back home and went to play football with my brother at Dornmuang . I ate dinner with my brother . I came back home to watch a Premier league football match . I watched Manchester United and Sunderland .

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

week 4 my diary

On Sunday I went to vote a constitution . I voted for agree about constitution . After that I went to Central Pinklao with my family . I played bowling with my brother and sister . I won them all . After we played bowling finish , I ate food at MK restaurant . I felt happy because I didn’t eat MK for long time . After I went to soccer shop with my brother . I bought a souvenir about Manchester United football club . We walked back to my family and came back together . At night we watched a football match . It was a Manchester United and Manchester city . I felt sad , because Manchester United lost in this match .
On Monday I went to Abac , and my friend told me about constitution that someone agreed or not . After that we went to play music together to prepare for contest . I felt bored , because it played every week . I ate McDonalds after I finished play music . I learnt law subject in the evening . I went to MBK to look a new mobile phone , before I went home. I like a new nokia 8800 , but it was very expensive for me .
On Tuesday I came late in the morning , so I didn’t learn in English for law subject . Because it has a traffic jam from the car accident . My friend told me about English that it has a quiz on Thursday . I went to Siam square in the afternoon . I didn’t watch a movie , but I went to shopping . I bought a new watch for one thousand baht . The shopper was decrease the price for 200 baht . I went to Chulalongkorn bookstore to buy a book that I used in law subject . I came back home in the evening . Because Tomorrow has a quiz in the economics subject .
On Wednesday I went to library to read a economics subject before quiz in the evening . I went to learn law of Obligation in the afternoon . After that I went to quiz . I felt happy because I can do quiz in the economics subject , but it has a one more quiz on tomorrow. It was an English for law quiz . I went home and read in “the Firm” book .
On Thursday I went to Abac early to prepare a quiz . I think this quiz was medium . Some question was hard in the bonus point and some question was easy . I think that it was a good quiz . I went to read a book at library , because it has one month before final test . I wanted to have a good grade in this term for every subject . After that I went to relax by played internet in library and chat with my friend , before I went to learn in the afternoon .
On Friday I went to learn in Ethic seminar at auditorium . It has a quiz in this subject too . I felt bored that it has a three quiz in this week . Teacher taught about principle of professional . I think it was a good to make a student understand in every professional . This quiz in this subject was very hard . It hasn’t effect in my grade , but it has a result before graduate . After that I went to my friend’s house at Rang sit . I played game and guitar at friend’s house , and his parent wasn’t stay in his house . I said goodbye to my friend and went to Yaowa-rad to ate Chinese food . I came back in the evening .
On Saturday I waked up and watched a TV . I went to Samutsakorn province with my family . I worshiped a big monk and went to eat a seafood . This place has a delicious sea food in Thailand . It made me happy to eat a good seafood . After that we went to see a crocodile farm in order to see a show . I think that it was a brave show . We came back home in the evening.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

WEEK 3 My diary

On Monday I came to ABAC in the morning . After that my friend and I went to library . We found an information to presentation group in the evening . The information was about new constitutional law . We separated the information in order to everybody have an information to presentation . I think that it was hard to think that we agreed or disagreed about new constitutional law , but I think that we should to use a right to selected constitution . The presentation was very happy , because my friend has a different to think about it .
On Tuesday After I finished English I subject , I went to practice music with my friend . We played a song that we will play in the contest . This song was Way Back into Love . I think that it was a good song and melodious . We practiced for 2 hours , but it wasn’t good in the first time . I think that we will play better , if we try to practice it . After that we went to Tork Chao San road . We walked around to see a scene , but we didn’t buy anything . I saw many foreigner . I came back home in the evening .
On Wednesday I came to ABAC at lunch . Today I didn’t go anywhere , because I learnt all the day . I learnt at 12.30 - 18.00 p.m. , so I felt tried in this day . I think that Law of Obligation subject was hard to every student .
On Thursday Today I have a presentation in English I subject . Jasper gave a work to student . It chose for one game or sport and told a rule . I chose Thai boxing . My partner was Muktida , and she knew everything about game . After that my friend and I went Bangna campus . We saw a volleyball game , because Bangna campus was place to race for sport university . I think that Bangna campus was very beautiful place and beautiful girl .We came back quickly to Huamark campus , because we have a subject to learn in the evening . I felt happy after come back from Bangna .
On Friday I went to ABAC and learnt one subject , After that My friend and I went to Siam Discovery to watch a movie . We watched a “Ku LAD” . It was a Thai comedy movie . I think it was very funny . Everybody in the cinema was laughed . After that we went to Fuji restaurant . My friend wanted to eat a Japanese food , but It was a problem for me about money . So I ordered a less money food for me . I walked around Siam square to saw a scene , but it was full by people . It was time to came back home , so I said goodbye to my friend and came back quickly .
On Saturday I waked up late to type a journal until afternoon . My father and I went to golf course to play golf . I liked to play golf very much , because it was a sport for wealthy person and look great . My father was played better than me . After that we came back home and watched a football match . We watched a concert at night . This week we didn’t have a ticket to watch at Impact Arena . Tomorrow we will go to use a right to accept or not about new constitution .

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Summary Chapter 6 (The Firm)

Oliver Lambert invited McDeeres , the Quin and two other associates and their wives to dinner . After that two men entered the black BMW drove away from the restaurant to new home of McDeeres . A tiny microphone was stuck into the mouthpiece of each phone in the house and inside each hole . After the dinner had finished 30 minutes , Devasher listened Mitch and Abby at them home. He push a botton to record .

Vocabulary in Chapter 6
Tiny , microphone , receiver , mouthpiece , surveillance , Tiny microphone

Tiny = small , little .
microphone = An instrument that converts sound wave into an electric current .
Receiver = An official appoint to receive .
Mouthpiece = A part of phone that functions near the mouth .
Surveillance = The act of observing or the condition of being observed .
Tiny microphone = Instrument bugs or small instrument that put it to heard a
conversation .

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

2nd week my diary

On Sunday I watched a Korean movie in the morning . I felt tired for yesterday that I went to see a concert . After that I saw a movie from Star movie channel . It was a Universal soldier The Return . It was an action movie . I went to Siam square to get my sister back to home . I bought my T-shirt for 299 baht to use in Abac . My brother , my sister and I went to play badminton in the evening , and we ate dinner together . My father and I watched TV At night about comment of constitution . I listened and try to remember about it , because I have a right to agree or disagree about constitution .
On Monday my friend and I went to play music to prepare about AU music contest for next term . We will one of the band to play in music contest . We played for 2 hours , and I felt happy to play music . I played guitar for this band . I usually practice everyday for half an hour . Today has a heavy traffic jam , because it has a prepare for ceremony to open sport university . I came back to Abac and came back home with my friend . I ate dinner at Yaowarad road about shark’s fin with my family . I felt delicious , but the price was an expensive .
On Tuesday I helped my teacher to prepare a conference and welcome an expert to conference , so I can’t learn in English I subject . This conference was about constitution and another law that will be change . After that I went to Rajchamankra stadium to play football . We played football hour an half , so I felt tried . Tomorrow was a holiday , because it has a ceremony to open Federation International Sport University . I think that it was good for Thailand that has a sport university . I review about “the Firm” book at home .
On Wednesday Today is a holiday . Some friend went to Rajchamankra stadium to help about ceremony . I went to Rajchamankra in the evening to see a ceremony of Federation International Sport University . I think that it was a beautiful ceremony , and I think that it made a foreigner to be impress .
It was a long ceremony but it can made to be impress . It has a many people to show in ceremony . It told about traditional in Thailand and how sport was important . I came back to my home at night .
On Thursday After English I class , I went to my friend birthday party beside of university . It has a beautiful cake and delicious food . It has 18 people to congratulation . I sent a gift to my friend . It was about Manchester United football shirt , because my friend and I cheer the same team . My friend has 20 years old in this year . After that I came to learn another subject in the afternoon .
On Friday Today has less people in Abac , because many people helped about sport university . I didn’t do it , because I think it will make my tried , and I didn’t have a time to do homework or another . After that I went to Yaowarad road to buy a food . It has many food such as sea food , Chinese food or shark fin’s . People usually go to eat or buy and bring it back home . I came back home and try to buy a concert ticket , but it was full . It was a concert that came from reality TV , and I went to watch last week . It was a famous concert in Thailand , and it will end in next month . On Saturday I went to Siam Paragon to buy something that I wanted to surprise my mother , because tomorrow was a Mother day . It was a traditional in Thailand to respect our mother . I came back home and hide a gift in my cupboard . I wanted to make my mother to be happy . I ate dinner with my family . I watched a concert on television and football match . I felt happy and pity about concert , because it funny more than last week . I watched a football match at night . It was Manchester City and West Ham .

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

my diary

On Sunday today is a Asanhabhucha day . It is an important day for Buddhism. My family and I went to temple to make a merit . I went to Watprakaew in order to saluted Prakaew-morrakod . I ate lunch with my family at Chinese restaurant . In the afternoon my family and I came back home and prepared to meet my parents . My family and I went to meet my parents and I went to swimming near my parent’s house . I swam for 2 hours, after that my family and I ate dinner at my parent’s house . We came back home at 21.30 p.m. . I watched a football match at night . I went to bed before midnight .
On Monday today is a holiday , and Abac didn’t have learn in this day . Today is a Chaopansaa or Buddhist lent day . I stayed at home with my family in the morning . My family and I went to temple in the afternoon , because it has a Thakbahtdorkmai or merit by sent a flower to monk tradition . I did it every year . After that I played golf with my father in the evening . I felt happy ,because I didn’t play golf for 2 years . I came back home at night .
On Tuesday today is a first day to learnt after I have a long week ends. I went to learn English I subject , and jasper told about to did blog to sent him on Thursday . He wanted student to did blog and typed 500 words after that sent to him . I ate lunch with my friend and went to Big-C near Ramchamhaeng university . I walked for too long from Abac and have a heavy rainfall . I waited my friend at Big-C , and we played game together . After that we came back home together .
On Wednesday I went to Abac before noon . Today teacher who taught in Economics subject tell a midterm point and to give the answer about midterm questions. I felt exciting , because I wanted to know my midterm point . After I know my point , I felt happy because it was good for me . After that I went to learn law of Obligation in the afternoon . I came back at night , because it has a traffic jam .
On Thursday Jasper asked a question about “The Firm” in chapter 1-6 behind the book . He told about blogger that everyone did it . I played music with my friend again in the afternoon . Today we have a new member who played drum . We played for 2 hours , and we usually played a rock music . The artist that we usually to play was Bodyslam , Bigass and many Thai artist rock music . After that we came back to Abac to learn the last subject in this day . I came back home quickly , because it’s my brother birthday . My family and I ate cake together .
On Friday I came to Abac to learn an economics subject . Today teacher taught a new chapter . After that I ate with my friend in the afternoon . Today is a boring day for me , because people didn’t come to learn in this day . Many people didn’t have a subject to learn in this day , so my friend and I went to Siam Paragon . We watched a “VDO Clip movie” in the evening. It was a Thai movie . After that we ate dinner on 1st floor in Siam Paragon . I came back home at 8.20 p.m. .
On Saturday this day is a happy day for me , because my family and I went to Impact Arena to see a concert . It’s a great concert that people wanted to see it , because it was a Academy Fantasia concert . It was a fantastic for me that have many people in concert . I felt happy and excited in concert . It was a concert that came from a reality TV . I usually to see this reality TV at my home . My family and I saw a concert for 2 hours . After that we came back at midnight . It was a traffic jam after concert finished .